All in Food & Drink

A Traditional West Country Kind Of Christmas

This article nostalgically contrasts traditional West Country Christmas customs with modern celebrations. It reminisces about unique practices like ashen faggot burning, where participants drink and toast to banish spirits; the Mummers’ Play, featuring characters like Father Christmas; and 'guise-dancing' in St Ives, where people wore disguises and danced. It also mentions the belief of master bullocks kneeling at midnight on Christmas Eve and tradesmen's tradition of giving extras to favoured customers. The customs of a robin in Christmas lore and a unique Christmas drink, Lamb's Wool, are also highlighted. The article laments the loss of these traditions to modern, commercialised celebrations, aiming to evoke a sense of old-fashioned Christmas spirit.

Enjoying food in the Danish region of Kystlandet

Delve into the gastronomic wonders of the Danish region of Kystlandet, located around the town of Horsens in eastern Jutland. A blend of scenic coastal beauty, lush landscapes, and historical depth, the article recounts memorable dining experiences during a British Guild of Travel Writers visit. Highlights include a standout meal at Ji-Mi’s, curated by the talented chef Jimmy Jensen, and traditional homemade dishes at the renowned Dolly’s in Horsens. The article further explores Kystlandet's culinary offerings, from its fresh seafood, renowned dairy products, berry-infused desserts, unique rye bread to artisanal beverages. Kystlandet - a must-visit enclave for those seeking a Danish gastronomic experience beyond the typical tourist trails.