The Quantock Novel - The Last Broomsquire
A lot of visitors to this site will know that I wrote a book called The Last Broomsquire - which I am happy to say continues to be popular, especially now that I have been through the original script and carried out a rather far reaching edit - knocking out a total of 9,600 words from the book.
If I’m honest, it needed a bit of a chisel taking to it because there were some overly wordy sections. Now it’s tighter and brighter - and better - in my humble opinion.
Anyway, the organisers of the excellent online Shute Festival like the book enough to have invited me to give a talk all about it - which I shall be doing next week - please follow the link here if you’d like to register to be in the audience or the next link to know more about the actual festival and its speakers.
You can also purchase the new look book for a modest £2.50 (ebook edition) or £7.99 (paperback) at the following link -
This is me 12 years ago with the original novel published by Flagon Books - pic Richard Austin